Friday, October 19, 2012

Remains the case as we celebrated 36 years...

I Love You, Not Your Breasts

Despite our nation’s growing obesity, we are a breast and body image fixated society, from Betty Grable pinups in World War II, Marilyn Monroe and Jane Mansfield in the 1950’s and 1960’s to Salma Hayek and Pamela Anderson today.  Men talk about being “leg men” or “breast men” with bravado and sophomoric stupidity, as if large breasts or great legs has anything at all to do with being a woman, or a lifetime companion, or a long-term, intimate lover.

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I still like to look at and admire beautiful women from the gorgeous 76-year-old former model in a smoking cessation class in 1982 to the stars and women around me.  However, it is my bride, my lover, and my lifetime partner who is my sexual and sensual interest today.  Your bride, your lover, your partner needs to know that you love who she is, not what type of body she has or the size of her breasts. 

Shirley is as beautiful and sexy today as she was on our first date, if not more so.  Our love making then and today was not and is not hampered by her having one breast instead of two, or now none.  Rather, it enriches our intimacy.  When we make love, she completes me, makes me whole and alive.  God created a matching set that fits together nicely.  Your bride needs reassurance in the face of an assault on her femininity and sense of womanhood.  She needs to know by what you say and what you do that this set of circumstances is not the end of your sex life, but rather a new, sometimes frightening, and exciting sex life with heightened sensitivity and caring.

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